The Maker Faire in Shenzhen
This year the third Maker Faire Shenzhen took place in Shenzhen. Unlike the two passed faires, which have been Mini Maker Faires, it has been one of the largest Maker Faires worldwide. Renowned Companies, Start-ups and Hobby-Tinkerers presented their newest projects in the barred Outdoor Area. ALLNET China took Brick’R’knowledge to Lenovator area. Exciting news from electronics fascinated lots of Geeks, children and technology-interested fans. The Faire’s participants showed every innovation, technology has to offer: Drones out of drinking straws, robot-suits, or smart fall-asleep-glases are only a little part of the creations, which can be found in the Maker pool. Besides Brick’R’knowledge, Arduino and BananaPi participated in Maker Faire Shenzhen as well.