Munich´s inventors: Make Munich
Last weekend, time has come once more and South Germany’s largest Maker festival took place in Bavaria’s capital again. After a one and a half year break, Munich opened its gates for tinkerers, nerds, geeks and makers to show them a variety of DIY projects and futuristic ideas such as 3D printers or robot football.
Make Munich expanded the exhibition space to the treble size of 2014’s faire and with this increase of place also the numbers of visitors rose: About 7500 people visited the Make Munich on two days!
This amount of space and people caused us to increase our level of sponsorship as well. So we decided to support the Make Munich as primary sponsor!
Make Munich expanded the exhibition space to the treble size of 2014’s faire and with this increase of place also the numbers of visitors rose: About 7500 people visited the Make Munich on two days!
This amount of space and people caused us to increase our level of sponsorship as well. So we decided to support the Make Munich as primary sponsor!
Of course we showed our five kits to Munich’s tekkies and also brought our novelties to the faire, like e.g. an arduino compatible brick for the arduino Yun, UNO, or Mega. Further more we exhibited some projects and experiments from the high frequency range that were very interesting for the makers, and specially for ham radio operators and developers
All in all we want to thank you, our great audience, for supporting us in Munich – it was a great faire!
We’re delighted awaiting the next Makerfaires with you!