
27 October

Bricks in the desert


Bricks are now available in the UAE! This year, we´ve been to Gitex in Dubai with our distributor Sitec. Together with notable vendors like Ferrari electronic, snom, 3CX, sennheiser, ALLNET, kuando, CryptoPhone, Fanvil, akoustic arts, LINKCOM, skype for business and Patton we presented proudly the inside of all their product: The electronical components in the […]

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8 October

Bricks at Maker Faire Berlin


Nearly 8.000 attendees visited the Maker Faire Berlin during 3rd and 4th of October 2015 at Postbahnhof, an indicator for the demand of new ideas not only for technophiliac people. The BrickRknowledge team was able to present and explain the nearly infinite possible solutions of the Brick Sets and modules. Independent if younger or elder, […]

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7 October

Word Clock


There are no limits with the brand new DIY set. This World Clock requires only a few components. In the red brick is a Real Time Clock (RTC), which is working as a clock generator. We are using a 8×8 LED Matrix as a display, which is controlled by a ATmega328P. With a button it´s easy to […]

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29 September

Fox hunting with bricks


ARDF: Amateur Radio Direction Finding. At the Foxhunting in the Berglwald region next to Munich, 10 foxes – distributed in a wood area- must be found. There are 5 larger and 5 small foxes. The “fox” is a small transmitter, using morse code to identify it. Within 2 hours all foxes need to be found. […]

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22 September

Let’s build 8 Bit


Why doing ‘Let’s build’? Well, just because it’s such great fun and reminds us of our own childhood. It all started with a large box with Brick’R’knowledge RGB Bricks standing in the middle of our office. We racked our brains to figure out what to do with this amount of Bricks. We plugged creative designs […]

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15 September

New sensorbricks


Since at the moment there is no faire or event, I decided to introduce two new Bricks. Both of them have a similar purpose, namely to integrate existing sensors for the Arduino as well as other components that require the assemble onto a coble, into our Brick ‘R’ knowledge system. Firstly we have the D/A Sensorbrick, […]

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7 September

7 segment and incremental encoder


The arduino set contains a special building block, which is known from operating panels of instruments. In former time only potentiometers were available, for example to be used for audio settings, but when selecting a menue a different way is ncessary. In game consoles incremental devices are also used. The main advantage is that you […]

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4 September



Seven colors for countless possibilities. We’ve always known, that folks love colorful lightings. They feel so attracted to it, you can’t miss that fact. On every event or faire we’ve been visiting, it was obvious. The best example might be the Educamp in Stuttgart (April 2015), where not only our young audience but also lots […]

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1 September

An Arduino Nano experiment


Using the Arduino Nano Brick it is possible to built very complex circuits using our brick system. At the bottom of the image an OLED is used for display and its connected at the I2C bus with a D/A converter bricht. The D/A converter offers a 12 bit resolution. The brick also has some options […]

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19 August

No break for Bricks – Save the date


No break for Bricks – Save the date Summer season is coming to an end and the Brick team already prepared the next events. Here are the dates, we appreciate your visit: On the 26th and 27th of September, you find us at Maker Faire New York After MakerCon in San Francisco, the Maker Faire […]

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